If you want to join MaasSAC you came to the right place
Read the Information below and click the sign-up button to get to the form
1. You need to buy a UM sports membership (sports or all-in-one)
The Membership has to be an Annual or Semester Membership.
For more information visit the UM sports website. Having a UM sports membership is absolutely necessary! Please be aware: Any member without a valid UM sports membership will risk a fine by MUSST.
2. You need to fill out our Google Form ( Click the Sign-Up Button at the End )
3. You need to pay a MaasSAC membership fee
New Members
Full Year: 55€
Half Year: 40€
Old Members
Full Year: 40€
Half Year: 20€
Supporting Members
Full Year: 30€
Half Year: 30€